What's New

Japan and the U.K.: Centuries of collaboration, cultural confluence and continued cooperation

Japan and the UK share a solid, strategic friendship built on hundreds of years of bilateral ties—and beyond. It is a bond that, over centuries, has resulted in a profound sense of mutual respect, robust cooperation across a wide range of fields, and a rich cultural exchange.

Enechange: Yohei Kiguchi harnesses the power of energy for change

It all began with a shaking — literally. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 compelled Dr. Yohei Kiguchi to found ENECHANGE Ltd., an energy tech company that promotes a decarbonized society with digital technology, guided by the noble mission of "creating the future of energy.”

Kajima Europe: Spearheading Japanese investment in Europe’s real estate markets

Based in London, Kajima's European team is at the epicentre of a pan-European platform that invests and develops across key real estate markets, such as logistics, student housing, build-to-rent, social infrastructure, renewables, and regeneration.

Eikuru Ltd.: Bridging Trade between Japan and the UK

Headquartered in Warwick in the UK, Eikuru Ltd. facilitates international trade between the United Kingdom and Japan.

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation: Champions of Cultural Confluence

Cultural exchange is a cornerstone of a solid bilateral relationship. The confluence of customs and characteristics, ideas and ideologies is vital to fostering a...

A Rarity of Rarities: Shirakawa 1958 Single Malt Japanese Whisky

This extremely rare and highly limited whisky is launching in Japan — very soon



Professional Services

Broadstone solutions benefit Asian businesses

Broadstone is a leading, independent, full-service pensions and employee benefits consultancy.With over 450 employees across eight locations...

Fragomen: The world’s immigration partner

As the global business environment evolves, immigration has become more complex. Individuals seeking new international opportunities and...

Japan’s ‘Executive Search Company of the Year’

Bridges spoke with Struan Mckay, Chief Executive Officer of RGF Executive Search Japan on the group’s ability to deliver comprehensive, highly effective executive search and recruitment solutions.

Unleash Potential

RGF Professional Recruitment Japan is committed to providing market-leading bilingual talent for specialist and managerial positions. Bridges spoke with Benjamin Cordier, managing director of RGF Professional Recruitment Japan on the job-rich, candidate-short Japanese employment market.

Blending cultures to unlock digital transformation in Japan

When it comes to digital transformation and design, the Japanese market is in a unique position. Japan...

“A driving force in the Japanese bilingual recruitment market”

World-leading global specialist recruitment consultancy Robert Walters operates across five continents and has offices in over thirty countries.

AoyamaTreehouse: A ‘Mindfitness’ community for business leaders

At Treehouse, people and teams learn how to radically collaborate, and develop new approaches to innovation through a ‘Mindfitness’ practice and methodologies designed in Silicon Valley.

Financial Services

Ecovis APO delivers expert solutions to British and international firms in Japan

The Japanese market offers high-quality services, a loyal customer base and strong local partnerships for foreign companies seeking to do business in the world’s third-largest economy.

Greenback Alan: Helping businesses achieve greater profitability and growth

“Our success is driven by our ability to get the basics right — technical expertise, attention to detail, agreeing on deadlines, reasonable fees and clarity,” said Jon Fisher, deputy managing partner of Greenback Alan LLP.

Connecting Japan and the United Kingdom

Bridges spoke with Satoru Yoshida, Director at Japanese Financial Solutions Limited on ties between the United Kingdom and Japan

Real Estate

Kajima Europe: Spearheading Japanese investment in Europe’s real estate markets

Based in London, Kajima's European team is at the epicentre of a pan-European platform that invests and develops across key real estate markets, such as logistics, student housing, build-to-rent, social infrastructure, renewables, and regeneration.

Life is Better Shared

Ryozan Park (RZP) is Tokyo's only community with integrated accommodation, office spaces and childcare. Since its inception with the launch of a 41-bedroom share house in 2014, five shared office spaces offering private rooms and hot-desking options, an English preschool, a chef's kitchen, an art gallery, 80 one-room apartments, 2 gyms and a handful of event spaces have been added in Sugamo and Otsuka.


