What's New

Germany and Japan: G7 Allies and Advocates for Global Security and Economic Stability

With 162 years of bilateral relations, anchored on the signing of the German-Japanese treaty in January 1861, G7 members Germany and Japan continue to build their friendship on a solid foundation.

Metzler Bank: Building on a wealth of time-honored ties with Japan

As the fifth-oldest financial institution globally and the oldest private bank in Germany with an unbroken tradition of family ownership since 1674, Metzler is well-acquainted with the weight of its role in the world of wealth.

Igus: Innovating engineering solutions for the motion plastics biz since 1964

In Germany’s manufacturing industry, wherever anything moves, Igus is there.

Leveraging the power of potential for Japanese companies in Duesseldorf

Germany and Japan have a rich history of bilateral friendship to build upon. But, apart from those well-established, time-honored ties, Japanese ventures have long...


Michelberger Hotel: An inclusive approach to hospitality

For over a decade, Michelberger’s unusually inclusive approach to hospitality fosters artistic experimentation, discussion and collaboration and has attracted an eclectic mix of international guests and Berliners alike.




Frankfurt Rhine-Main

North Rhine-Westphalia