Hessen and Frankfurt: Open for business

An invitation from Rainer Waldschmidt, CEO of Hessen Trade & Invest, David Eckensberger and Carsten Ott

Hessen’s convenient location at the very heart of Europe has played a vital role in establishing the state as one of the most internationally revered business and technology centers in the European Union.

And while location is certainly a major decision-making factor for expanding businesses, it’s only one of many reasons why over 13,000 global players have selected to locate their subsidiaries in Hessen. As a global hub for forward-thinking industries such as information and communication technologies, electrical engineering technologies, life sciences, health care, automotive, electromobility and Industry 4.0, Hessen truly is the ideal “Gateway to Europe.”

Japanese companies have long recognized the benefits of setting up a presence here. As the economic powerhouse of Germany, Hessen offers excellent business networks, future-oriented technology partners and a high quality of life. Within Germany, international companies can rely on a robust economy, a high degree of legal certainty, competitive corporate tax rates and a stable yet flexible labor market.

Are you interested in gaining a foothold in the German and European markets?

We, Hessen Trade & Invest, are your local experts for the state of Hessen and look forward to advising you and supporting your plans and investment projects.

As the economic powerhouse of Germany, Hessen offers excellent business networks, future-oriented technology partners and a high quality of life.


Feels like Hessen, feels like home

The Japanese community in the state of Hessen counts more than 5,000 people, with a majority in the city of Frankfurt. Whether through film, sports or culinary festivities, Japanese culture is celebrated in Frankfurt and its members are highly active and involved. Frankfurt is the proud host of the Nippon Connection Film Festival, the largest platform for Japanese cinema worldwide. Frankfurt Fashion Week has become an annual highlight for
the fashion and lifestyle community as well as technology aficionados worldwide.

Hessen: A place where future technologies meet lifestyle

Join us for an interesting exchange between Japan and the Rhine-Main region at the third KAI KO — German-Japanese Business Dialogue. The topic will be “Smart digital cities in Japan and Frankfurt Rhein-Main.”

Date and time: Nov. 26,
from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. JST (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. CET).


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