‘Right time, right place’ to invest in Turkey

The Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Office (previously known as ISPAT) is the official organization committed to promoting investment opportunities in Turkey to the global business community. The office is dedicated to assisting investors before, during and after their entry into the dynamic Turkish economy, one of the fastest growing in the world.

Office President Arda Ermut discussed the organization’s achievements and ambitions to strengthen economic relations between Turkey and the rest of the world.

Global investment destination

“In the early 2000s, comprehensive reform programs were implemented to improve the investment environment and enhance the position of foreign investors interested in Turkey,” Ermut said. “Today, Turkey hosts more than 70,000 foreign-owned companies.

“Foreign companies have the guarantee of international law, open international arbitration and the transfer of profits and dividends to home countries without any costs. When we look at liberalization phases and the speed of growth throughout global economies, Turkey is very well-positioned.

“While the surrounding region has its share of geopolitical challenges, Turkey has been pursuing a global peace diplomacy in order to protect civilians and prevent humanitarian crises, thus attracting open and clear support from the international community. As Turkey is the only functioning secular democracy in the region, we want our partners and allies to trust in our experiences within the region and to make use of Turkey as a platform to boost trade and relations across the region as many of these markets remain untouched and offer ample investment opportunities.”

Strengthening a historic partnership

“The investment office was established to promote the investment environment in Turkey and support incoming investors by helping them establish businesses in Turkey with ease and efficiency. Today we support existing investors as they continue to achieve success and also attract new foreign investment from Japan and around the world,” Ermut continued.

“With Japan, we are in a very advantageous position. When you look at the historical ties, cultural proximity and sentiments our two countries share with one another, our bilateral relationship is very strong.

“The Japanese way of doing business, the country’s service-orientated approach to customers and its technology and engineering achievements are highly appreciated in Turkey and this makes it much easier for Japanese companies to enter the Turkish market. We continue to encourage Japanese investors to look at the opportunities Turkey has to offer,” he said.

The Japanese way of doing business, the country’s service-orientated approach to customers and its technology and engineering achievements are highly appreciated in Turkey and this makes it much easier for Japanese companies to enter the Turkish market.

Arda Ermut, Head of the Presidential Investment Office

Providing valuable insight to investors

“There are many success stories regarding Japanese investments in Turkey in diverse industries. The first foreign investment in the new Republic of Turkey actually came from Japan,” Ermut said.

“While we understand the Japanese way of doing business is undertaken diligently and can often take time, in Turkey business decision making tends to move more quickly. For this reason, we encourage Japanese companies to contact the investment office to assist in their feasibility studies, make necessary preparations and connect them with relevant local authorities.

“We offer valuable insights, detailed information and unbiased data that empowers investors and leads them to make well-informed decisions. Our network of international teams, including our dedicated ‘Japan Team’ based in Japan and Turkey, is committed to bridging Turkey and the global business community.

There are many success stories regarding Japanese investments in Turkey in diverse industries.

Arda Ermut, Head of the Presidential Investment Office

“We are in a unique position as the most experienced Turkish institution focused on delivering investment projects. We will continue to accompany investors during every step of their journey with us and we look forward to providing our timely world-class services to our Japanese and international friends and partners.”


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