Taiho Pharma Canada: Delivering a patient-focused approach

Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Otsuka Holdings, has been a pioneer in the field of oral anti-cancer agents since launching Futraful in Japan in 1974.

Today, Taiho Pharma Canada Inc. is engaged in the research and development of pharmaceutical products in the field of oncology. The company is fulfilling its commitment to discover and develop innovative cancer treatments by bringing novel technologies to cornerstone chemotherapies and optimizing new targeted agents.

“Since we established the company in 2017, we have developed a very strong team,” said Ross Glover, Taiho Pharma Canada’s general manager. “We are committed to bringing new value to patients across Canada through our advanced technologies, dedicated investigators and outstanding facilities. We have quickly become one of the appreciated partners of many research institutions and we are busy creating a new direction to answer important questions regarding cancer therapy.”

Taiho Pharma Canada’s metastatic colon or rectal cancer treatment LONSURF was swiftly approved by Canada’s public health agency, Health Canada, and has been available in Canada since January 2018. LONSURF combines trifluridine, which interferes with DNA in cancer cells to stop them from making new cancer cells and tipiracil, which stops trifluridine from being broken down by enzymes before it can act. LONSURF has been well received in Canada, encouraging Taiho Pharma Canada to bring new drugs to the market.

“We work closely with customers and focus on solving problems together,” said Glover. “Having worked in the Canadian pharmaceutical industry for 30 years, I personally understand the dynamic conversations and important relationships that need to take place.”

As with Japan, Canada has its own unique corporate culture. Glover’s counterparts in Japan recognize the importance of understanding the Canadian way of doing business.

“Our different approaches have created synergies,” said Glover. “Together we are achieving success in the Canadian market by conducting our business in a transparent manner and strengthening our engagement with Canada’s pharmaceutical market.” Through Taiho Pharma Canada’s patient-focused approach, the company is continuing to grow while directly improving the lives of patients.

“We have developed the business through teamwork, courage, resilience and passion,” concluded Glover. “With these factors in place, success has followed and we are very much looking forward to the future.”


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