Making Business Work

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries. The Chamber’s mission is to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries. The Chamber’s mission is to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.

Through advocacy, solutions and standard setting, the ICC promotes international trade, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation, in addition to providing market-leading dispute resolution services.

ICC members include many of the world’s leading companies, SMEs, business associations and local chambers of commerce.


The ICC was founded in the aftermath of the First World War when no world system of rules governed trade, investment, finance or commercial relations. Without waiting for governments to fill the gap, ICC’s founders acted on their conviction that the private sector is best qualified to set global standards for business and referred to themselves as “The merchants of peace”.

ICC Indonesia

ICC Indonesia, a National Committee with an organizational Statute drawn in close reference with the Constitutions of ICC and KADIN Indonesia (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia – The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) retains a role as the representative of the Republic of Indonesia to ICC and the membership coordinator to the Indonesian business enterprises and practitioners. ICC Indonesia contributes to the pursuit of increasing international trading with buyers’ foreign countries.

Mr. Ilham Habibie, President of ICC Indonesia

Here at ICC Indonesia, we are making a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. We implemented the Centre of Entrepreneurship (COE) to help Indonesian companies be more informed, support business growth and help firms achieve their goals in terms of international trade. The ICC Indonesia is focused on international trade in addition to our regulatory, disputes, arbitration activities, trade practices and digitalization. Our focus in Indonesia focuses on the SMEs (small to medium-sized enterprises) as approximately fifty-six to sixty percent of Indonesia’s GDP is generated by SMEs. We want to convey information on trade and encourage and support Indonesian companies to increase their share of exports to neighboring countries.

Indonesia – Singapore

The Indonesian economy is strong today. Minerals, liquid natural gas, energy and coal are important economic drivers in the country. Singapore and Indonesia are closely linked both geographically and through our partnerships and economic ties. Indonesia has a gas pipeline to Singapore.

Grissik–Singapore is a 468km long onshore, ultra-deepwater pipeline project operated by PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia. The gas pipeline starts at South Sumatra (Indonesia) and ends in South West (Singapore).

From Indonesia to the world

Global exports are needed to drive the economy in Indonesia and while we export products such as textiles, we need to diversify our exports. Indonesia is an open market and we see competition as a good thing as this strengthens the economy.

Indonesia and ASEAN

Indonesia is a key player in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Indonesia accounts for 41 percent of ASEAN’s combined GDP. Indonesia is ASEAN’s largest market and we have strong banking and finance and consumer goods sectors. While ASEAN is primarily a political association rather than an economic alliance although there is the ASEAN Economic Agreement in place. The future of Indonesia depends on how well we can work with our neighbors to generate growth in Indonesia and across the region. China, Europe and North America are important economic partners and Indonesia is seeing an increasing amount of investment from China.

Singapore and Indonesia will continue to share a strong business and political bond. We expect continued growth and invite more Singaporean companies to Indonesia.

Growth and Prosperity

Singapore and Indonesia will continue to share a strong business and political bond. We expect continued growth and invite more Singaporean companies to Indonesia. Our two targets today are prosperity for the Indonesian people and growth for the Indonesian economy.

The International Chamber of Commerce Indonesia
Tempo Pavilion 2, 2nd Floor Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 10 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
+62 21 2966 7914
[email protected]

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