Fast-tracking the success of India’s automation

Officially established independently in 2010, Yaskawa India Pvt. Ltd. has been furthering the Indian economy through automation across various sectors.

The journey first began in the 1980s with programmable logic controllers and now focuses on drives and motion control; research and development and robotics.

Through contributions to society such as its increased energy- saving abilities and freeing people from dangerous working environments and monotonous work, Yaskawa is driving sustainable and efficient business operations across the country.

“We at Yaskawa India are always thinking how can we further the country and economy through understanding how best to improve products and automate energy-saving processes,” said President and CEO of Yaskawa India Akinori Urakawa.

With sales of 2.8 billion rupees in the 2017-2018 financial year, continued business growth and expansion is expected, with the run-off creating further job opportunities. Currently, Yaskawa has 230 employees and operates a production facility of three assembly lines in a 55,000 square foot facility in Bangalore.

“Today, our operations span the length and breadth of the country, and India remains a central hub for our future goals benefiting our operations greatly. The way to achieve this has been through quality customer and employee communication and proper fundamental business behavior,” said Urakawa.

Yaskawa’s three pillars of importance are, creating a sustainable workplace, sustainable ecology and social responsibility. They push the company to be deeply involved in corporate social responsibility; the firm currently supports multiple nonprofit organizations across the country that aid the needy and disabled.

“Our local initiatives are aimed predominately at education and the empowerment of women in the workplace. With India’s growing economy and middle class, people’s desires are driving the country and this will ultimately benefit everyone’s livelihood,” said Urakawa.

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