Asian Institute of Management – Developing future leaders at one of ASEAN’s foremost postgraduate institutions

Developing future leaders at one ofASEAN’s foremost postgraduate institutions

As a leading regional multicultural institution of higher learning, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is committed to offering state of the art education, research and training in technology, management and societal development.

AIT was established in 1959 by the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) – an international organization for the development of the region. As the first postgraduate international institution in Asia, AIT has become one of Asia’s prominent institutions with students and alumni now working over 100 countries around the world.

Today, AIT’s mission is ‘to develop highly-qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy’.

AIT comprises the School of Engineering and Technology, the School of Environment, Resources and Development and the School of Management.

‘We recently transformed our School of Management to meet the modern business education needs of Asia’, says AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai.

Offering MBA, Masters and Doctoral programs, AIT’s School of Management enables students to study on a full-time or part-time basis during the day, evening or weekend.

‘Our focus as a global business school is to have an impact on developing new leaders in Asia and delivering a high quality, and internationally-focused education platform,’ says Prof. Lawrence S Abeln, Dean of AIT’s School of Management.

‘Thailand is in a great position geographically to be a bridge between India and China. The country is also open to international visitors, has a relatively low-cost of living and offers cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. These factors create opportunities for institutions such as AIT and support our commitment to developing a diversity of leaders and delivering education solutions to the world’.

With a new central Bangkok campus location, AIT’s School of Management is well-positioned for the future.

‘We believe an international business school should be in the heart of a city and close to commerce activity’, says Prof. Abeln. ‘Employees demand different skills today and students require both theory and application in order to take the next step in their careers as international business leaders. Our new campus in the ‘Sukhumvit Business District’ at Asoke, Bangkok will offer students access to leading companies in the heart of Thailand’s dynamic economic capital’.

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