Ambassador Chua

Ambassador Chua Siew San – Embassy of The Republic of Singapore

Singapore and Thailand

‘The relationship between Singapore and Thailand is excellent. We have been friends and partners for a long time. Thailand was one of the first countries to recognise Singapore after independence and our relationship has grown from strength to strength. Last year approximately one million Singaporeans visited Thailand and half a million Thais visited Singapore. We enjoy strong government to government cooperation through our Civil Service Exchange Program (CSEP) and the Singapore-Thailand Enhanced Economic Relationship (STEER) initiatives which meet annually to discuss areas for further cooperation’.


‘Singapore and Thailand are well-connected with over fifty daily flights to and from Singapore and Thailand. Both Singapore and Thailand see the value in strengthening our partnership in terms of business and trade.

We are among each other’s top ten trading partners. Singapore is one of the top four investors in Thailand and these investments are in many sectors’.


‘Next year sees Singapore take on the ASEAN Chairmanship with the theme – ‘Innovation and Resilience’. With the 2019 Chairmanship being held by Thailand, we will undoubtedly be working very closely together to continue the good work ASEAN is delivering across the region’.


‘This year, the fourth Singapore Film Festival was held in Thailand to showcase Singapore’s growing film industry. Singaporean Director Kirsten Tan showed her award winning film ‘Pop Aye’ and we look forward to more cultural exchanges in the future. We want to encourage Singaporeans and Thai people to continue building on the good relationship they share and work more closely together in the future’.

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