Actively encouraging businesses to look at opportunities in Japan and Canada

JETRO Toronto is committed to supporting and facilitating investment from Canada to Japan especially focusing on bringing new innovation to the Japanese market,” said Takuji Sakai, executive director of JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) TORONTO.

“Through our cross-Canada Generating Innovation with Japan (GIJ) series of Japanese company reverse-pitch events, we are bringing together major Japanese firms and leading Canadian startups in the fields of AI, IoT, Fintech, and so on. There is also an increasing number of Japanese companies investing in Canada and we are actively encouraging businesses to look at opportunities in both Japan and Canada.”

“There is a strong and stable relationship shared by Japan and Canada, which in some sectors such as agriculture should expand under the CPTPP,

and the 90 year anniversary celebrations offer an opportunity for both countries to work even more closely together. Innovation and technology are key areas of collaboration and we expect business and trade ties between both countries to strengthen in the coming years.”

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