Refreshing Connections with Stanford Shaw’s Marc and Johann See

Stanford Shaw was founded with a simple idea: to make a beverage that invigorates the senses of the drinker in every taste and occasion. The brainchild of brothers Marc and Johann See, Stanford Shaw began in 2011 with a fresh ginger ale concocted in their mother’s kitchen using basic ingredients and zero know-how. Their journey took off at weekend markets in Salcedo and Legazpi, where I had the pleasure of collaborating with them. It was always refreshing to see them there, as cool and bubbly as their drinks.

Now, they’ve expanded their product line to include non-alcoholic Butterbeer and Technical Sparkling Water, reaching some of the best bars, restaurants, cafes, and specialty shops. In an engaging conversation, Marc and Johann shared insights into their journey, values, and future aspirations.

Your sodas embody “old school quality and old-fashioned values.” What’s an old school memory that influenced Stanford Shaw’s beverage line?

Marc and Johann See: We developed an appreciation for connecting with more tangible things—usually older brands, things and items that were made not to become obsolete. Things that you bought once, worked well, could be repaired, and then never thrown away. Things neither too precious nor expensive.

We developed an appreciation for connecting with more tangible things—usually older brands, things and items that were made not to become obsolete. Things that you bought once, worked well, could be repaired, and then never thrown away. Things neither too precious nor expensive.

Marc See and Johann See, founders of Stanford Shaw

For instance, finding items in our dad’s closet like an old film camera from the ’70s or metal sunglasses from the ’80s, or us purchasing a Japanese-made amplifier and pairing it with similarly heavily used American-made speakers that will probably last another 30+ years.

We believe it’s about growing up in the ’90s. We are of a generation that straddles a time of the analog and digital. We grew up in the pre-internet era and also appreciate everything that has happened with technology.

Perhaps unintentionally, it is a rejection of the speed of life now. It’s a reflection to slow down and look back at what matters, things that last, and a reminder to “simplify” life and grounding values (be kind, respectful, work hard). We are trying to do it in our business and our products.

If you could have any global figure, past or present, sample your beverages, who would it be and why?

Anthony Bourdain. We think he would either love it or hate it but let us know what he really thought, no pretension. We would then proceed to ask him to grab a meal.

With the 10-year milestone upon you, if you could journey back to your earliest brewing days, what advice would you impart to yourselves?

We would tell ourselves to 1. Dream Bigger, 2. Be less critical of ourselves, to limit the negative self-talk, and 3. Just enjoy the present and live.

If you were to collaborate with any Japanese brand or company, which one would it be and why?

Suntory. We respect Suntory for their scale and breadth of high-quality products in the beverage space, how they read the Japanese market, and the products they offer. We can appreciate the fact that it’s very hard to be very good for a very long time.

© Bridges

The Japanese market is renowned for its adventurous palate, often receptive to novel flavors. Are there any beverages you’re contemplating specifically for an export audience?

The Japanese market is already spoilt for choice with beverages and especially having really good ginger ales. We are actually really quite proud of our ginger ale using our local Philippine ginger. We would like to put our own version of ginger ale up to the task to represent our country and put that front and center!

Stanford Shaw
0977-821-SHAW (7429)

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