Asahi Tanker Co. Ltd.: Developing future-ready energy transport solutions, today

Energy is at the core of every aspect of life. But, in the race towards cleaner and greener solutions, it is vital to ensure safety, sustainability, and ef­ficiency not just in the energy sources them­selves, but also in the logistics surrounding their distribution.

Since 1951, Asahi Tanker Co. Ltd. has been in the business of pro­viding safe, sustainable, and efficient transporta­tion solutions to ensure a stable supply of energy and materials that are vital to daily life. Through its wide range of vessels providing seamless and secure marine transport services, the company strives to be the trans­portation solutions pro­vider for traditional and renewable energy prod­ucts, alike, especially in the ASEAN region.

“We provide trans­portation services, main­ly in Southeast Asia, for petroleum products. We have 20 overseas tank­ers and 120 coastal tank­ers in Japan. In 1998, we entered into joint opera­tions with Mitsui O.S.K. Lines in Tokyo, for prod­uct tankers.

We hope to expand our new EV technology to transport the petrol products that power Asian countries; South­east Asian ports like Sin­gapore, Hong Kong, and Manila. We view this as the future of shipping.

Shigekazu Haruyama, President of Asahi Tanker

We’ve also entered into joint ventures with other companies—for instance, with Swed­ish company Stena Bulk for the Suezmax tanker. While we have developed our shipping business in various regions, our strong interest from Ja­pan is in Singapore as it represents the global shipping market,” shares Shigekazu Haruyama, Asahi Tanker’s President.

Now on its 45th year in Singapore, having started in 1978, Asahi Tanker is looking to fur­ther maximize its indus­try expertise in one of its most important subsid­iaries outside of Japan.

“For decades now, Singapore has been a big market for the ship­ping industry. We intend to leverage our history in Singapore and develop new solutions to expand our business there,” Hiroaki Hamano, General Manager of the compa­ny’s Overseas Business Division, says.

Asahi Tanker’s busi­ness expansion includes future-ready technology such as its recently-launched EV tankers. In 2020, the company de­cided to build two elec­tric tankers equipped with lithium-ion batter­ies, the first-ever in the world. One zero-emis­sion electric propulsion vessel went into opera­tion in 2022.

“Our EV tanker was completed one year ago, while the second one will be delivered next month. We hope to expand our new EV technology to transport the petrol products that power Asian countries; South­east Asian ports like Sin­gapore, Hong Kong, and Manila. We view this as the future of shipping,” Haruyama notes.

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