What is driving Morocco’s “green energy” revolution?
Recognizing the impact of climate change and its own energy requirements, Morocco has been committed for several years to sustainable development. We have the chance that, at the highest level of the state, there is a strong commitment and a proactive policy. The king’s letter was very clear in 2009 giving priorities to renewable energies and energy efficiency in our energy policy.
As part of its national energy strategy, Morocco aims to achieve 52% of renewable energies in the energy mix and 20% of energy efficiency by 2030. By pivoting toward green energy and promoting energy efficiency, we are significantly reducing our reliance on energy imports.
The transport, industry and construction sectors are the most energy-intensive in the country. They currently represent the greatest potential for energy savings; as much as 24%, 17% and 14%, respectively.
How is AMEE supporting Morocco’s development of sustainable energy?
AMEE’s initiatives focus on the modernizing of processes, education and competence-building. Legal frameworks, technical and financial support are also in our program. Our energy-saving strategies include the promotion of sustainable mobility and building practices.
In the agriculture sector we implemented a national program to help farmers shift from gas and diesel to solar irrigation pumps through dedicated credit lines and training programs. In just a few years, over 40,000 solar pumps were installed by farmers. AMEE recently won the Energy Globe Award 2021 for its photovoltaic water-pumping system used for drip irrigation. This system supports Morocco’s policy for energy efficiency in agriculture and paves the way for a nationwide solar water-pumping program for agricultural irrigation.
Our national efforts also consist of assisting manufacturers to cut energy costs, increase competitiveness, reduce their environmental impacts and decarbonize their process.
Morocco is leading the green revolution and is set to become an exporter of green energy in the near future.
Said Mouline, Director General of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE)
What does the future hold for Morocco’s energy sector?
Morocco is leading the green revolution and is set to become an exporter of green energy in the near future.
Renewable resources already account for over one-third of the kingdom’s energy and there is a huge potential for not only more wind and solar projects for the production of clean electricity, but also for the production of green hydrogen.
In light of this, AMEE created a Green Economy War Room whose sole purpose is to support over 150 different investment projects to maintain and boost Morocco’s pivot toward a model of a sustainable and green economy.
The war room will be the focal point for investors and stakeholders and will facilitate the flow of information and data exchange between all relevant parties. It is important to educate the next generation, deliver opportunities and create “green economy” jobs.