With a dynamic understanding of the value of LNG to the oil and gas industry, Golar LNG Limited is the trusted name in the designing, building and owning-operating of marine infrastructure that turns natural gas into LNG.
As a highly experienced, innovative developer of floating LNG pipelines, Golar’s main competitive strength is speed of execution at low cost. As such, the company has produced more LNG from a floating terminal than any other operator in the industry.
“We are the market leader for floating liquefaction, in a world that’s scrambling to diversify energy sources. We enable monetization of associated and stranded gas fields to enable monetization of resources and allow for diversification of energy sources,” shared Karl Fredrik Staubo, CEO of Golar Management Ltd.
“Energy security and diversification of energy sources are increasingly relevant in light of recent geopolitical developments in Europe,” he added. Golar leverages their 50 years of experience in developing and innovating marine LNG infrastructure to provide the most competitive LNG solutions that monetize natural gas reserves. As such, the company continues to explore new partnerships and possibilities with countries like Japan.
We are the market leader for floating liquefaction, in a world that’s scrambling to diversify energy sources. We enable monetization of associated and stranded gas fields to enable monetization of resources and allow for diversification of energy sources.
Karl Fredrik Staubo, Chief Executive Officer of Golar Management Ltd.
“With a long-standing history and tradition in shipping, Japan is one of the most important geographies for any shipping company. Japan is a large buyer of LNG; Japanese companies are potential off-takers from our floating liquefaction platforms. Also, we find the Japanese financing market very appealing. We currently don’t have financing with Japanese counterparts, but it’s an area we would like to explore and expand on. Moreover, we will not rule out future potential new building activity in Japan,” Staubo noted.
Poised for the future, Golar aims to break the mold in the LNG sector.
“The key attributes of our floating liquefaction technology are that it’s quicker to deploy than shore-based liquefaction solutions, it has a lower capex (capital expenditure) per ton liquefied, and importantly, a lower carbon footprint per ton liquefied. Combine that with a market-leading operational track record and our service offering for natural gas liquefaction is unique and positions the company for attractive growth.”