Cosel: Powering innovation in China

An industry leader in high-quality AC-DC power supplies, DC-DC converters, power modules and electro-magnetic interference filters, Cosel is committed to the Chinese market.

“We saw the potential of the Chinese market when first establishing the company and I personally continue to be impressed by China,” said Yo­shio Anda, CEO of Cosel Asia Ltd., in Hong Kong.

Integrated circuits, field effect transistors, diodes and industrial and consumer elec­tronic equipment use a range of components and semicon­ductors and a steady DC pow­er supply is vital.

Today, Cosel’s compact, lightweight and highly effi­cient switching power sup­plies are used in almost all electronic devices, including information communications, medical and factory automa­tion devices.

“As a global industry leader over the last 50 years, our Jap­anese-quality products and so­lutions are recognized across key industries, and by local­izing production in China, we have been able to work more closely with our partners and clients,” Anda said.

In China, Cosel has be­come a strong brand and we are committed to delivering high-quality products and ser­vices. We are engaged in the development of new technolo­gies to build high levels of re­liability into our future prod­ucts.

Cosel Asia Ltd. CEO Yoshio Anda

“We appreciate the way in which business is done in China. Decisions are made quickly and we are able to op­erate as a 100%-owned sales subsidiary of Cosel Co. in Ja­pan. Cosel Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong was established in 1998 to strengthen the company’s marketing and customer ser­vice capabilities. In mainland China the company’s network includes Shanghai and Wuxi,” Anda added.

Cosel (Shanghai) Electron­ics Co. offers numerous tailor-made power solutions to en­able customers across China to take their equipment’s reli­ability to the next level.

In Wuxi, a city near Shang­hai in Jiangsu province, Wuxi Cosel Electronics Co. has in­vested in advanced produc­tion equipment to deliver highly reliable power supplies to reputable customers across China.

Chinese automotive com­panies such as BYD (Build Your Dreams) are contribut­ing to the growth of China’s electric vehicle market — an industry in which Cosel in­tends to play a greater role. The medical equipment sec­tor is also an area in which Cosel is seeing tremendous growth.

“We are actively support­ing our existing and new cus­tomers across China while de­veloping our global customer base,” Anda said.

“In China, Cosel has be­come a strong brand and we are committed to delivering high-quality products and ser­vices. We are engaged in the development of new technolo­gies to build high levels of re­liability into our future prod­ucts. Our strategy moving for­ward is to implement digital transformation and provide all of our customers and part­ners in China and around the world with Cosel’s data-driv­en solutions.”

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