Bridges: What is your role as Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN?
Ambassador Kiya: My role here in Indonesia is to represent Japan in relation to ASEAN. There is cooperation on many fronts and we hold major events to facilitate connections and interactions between Japan and ASEAN member countries.
We are seeing an increased amount of coordination at the senior level. Last year marked the fiftieth anniversary of Japan – ASEAN relations and as we look forward, we are building on our strong relations and planning for the future.
It is a big responsibility; however, I have seen a great deal of positive initiatives from concerned parties as we continue to ensure the region and Japan work more closely together.
Indonesia successfully held the ASEAN Chairmanship last year and 2024 sees the chairmanship being held by PDR Laos.
Trust and stability are factors for success across the ASEAN region. How is Japan ensuring the region remains an attractive part of the world?
Japan is actively encouraging development and connectivity across the ASEAN region as this will benefit the rest of the world.
There is a need for us to transform our societies and for the world to come together and focus on multiculturalism, inclusivity, economic growth and sustainable solutions.
Networking and communication events and co-creation projects are helping partners across the ASEAN region achieve both economic and social goals.
What is the current status of the Japan – Indonesia partnership?
There is a great deal of trust between Japan and Indonesia. The two countries share a long history and the friendship that has developed continues to bring our people closer together.
There is a great deal of trust between Japan and Indonesia. The two countries share a long history and the friendship that has developed continues to bring our people closer together.
Ambassador Masahiko Kiya, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN
Young people are the future and their involvement in the current development of Japan – ASEAN relations is vital. The confidence of young people across the region will further develop the achievements we are seeing today. In addition, next-generation digital innovation is also bringing the region closer and we expect this to continue.
Across the region, each country is very different and Japan respects the sovereignty of each ASEAN member country.
From my experience working in different countries, when I arrived in Indonesia, I noticed the importance the country places on its bilateral ties to Japan. Japan and Indonesia are two countries who understand and appreciate the strong relationship which they have both developed and continue to nurture. There’s something special between Indonesia and Japan and we want to see this relationship continue to blossom.
How do you see the ASEAN region developing?
In terms of business, economic development across ASEAN is fully supported and encouraged by Japan. The region’s ecosystem is closely connected and Japan is proud to play a role in helping to facilitate trade between ASEAN member states.
Decarbonization is a priority for the region and we are setting goals to safeguard the environment for future generations. We want to take steps to benefit the population across ASEAN and Japan and health-related and environmental initiatives continue to impact the lives of people for the better.
What message do you have for our audience?
There are many challenges being faced at the moment but Peace and Prosperity through Trust and Co-Creation will enable the ASEAN region to continue on its path. Japan will work closely with our valued partners across the region.
Communication, coordination and our shared common ground will enable Japan and our ASEAN partners to work even more closely together in the future.
Useful links:
· Peace and Prosperity through Trust and Co-Creation – Next Steps for ASEAN-Japan Cooperation–The Japan-ASEAN Roundtable, ISIS Malaysia. 30 January 2024. Kiya Masahiko, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN
· The Japan-ASEAN Roundtable organised by the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)Malaysia
· Ambassador Newsletter