Romcarbon focuses on closing the recycling circle

Celebrating 70 years of business in 2022, Romcarbon SA is a listed company on the Romania Stock Exchange.

“Romcarbon has a long history of plastic processing activities,” explains Leon Huang, Romcarbon’s chief executive officer.

Romcarbon has a wide range of product from plastic processing activities (PP, PE, PS and PET). The company has also had a workshop for active carbon and filters since 1957.

For years Romcarbon has addressed the importance of the circular economy to drive business.

“In 2012, Romcarbon established a new division for plastic compound and recycled granule,” said Huang.

“Through our state of the art technology we turn plastic waste, both post-industrial and post-consume into plastic granules. By replacing ‘virgin plastic’ with recycled plastic resin, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental sustainability.”

Through our state of the art technology we turn plastic waste, both post-industrial and post-consume into plastic granules. By replacing ‘virgin plastic’ with recycled plastic resin, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental sustainability.

Leon Huang, Chief Executive Officer of Romcarbon

Today, Romcarbon has introduced recycled plastic resin for its own plastic processing activities and is also one of the most important suppliers of recycled plastic resin in the Romania market.

“Romcarbon has developed several recycled plastic resins for the automotive industry and other applications,” said Huang.

“Our granules have been certified by leading automotive manufacturers and our products are used by many suppliers for the automotive industry.”

Market demand for recycled plastic resin has increased significantly and will continue to do so as more industries push ‘green’ initiatives.

European Union legislation is encouraging the plastic processing industry to reduce the use of ‘virgin plastic’ in order to achieve CO2 reduction targets.

“In addition to increasing demand for recycled plastic resin in Romania, we have also received requests from across neighbouring European markets and from China,” said Huang.

“With our wealth of experience in the plastic processing industry, we fully understand the importance of the circular economy and will continue our efforts to develop the industry as we continue on our path.”

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