The Netherlands and Japan: Moving forward together

The Netherlands’ longstanding trade relationship with Japan dates back four centuries. It is the fourth-largest destination for Japanese investment in Europe and there are approximately 700 Japanese companies operating there.

Both countries share similar values, such as democracy, human rights, and a commitment to taking action on climate change, further strengthening their bond.

H.E. Ambassador Hiroshi Minami emphasized that it is important to work with midsize countries like the Netherlands in an uncertain global climate. He stated, “There are many promising areas for us to work together, not just in the private sector, but also in government-to-government relations.”

Christa de Kemp, managing director of the Dutch and Japanese Trade Federation, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the growth of companies focusing on renewable energy and energy transition.

Naoto Miyamoto, chairman of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands, emphasized the advantages the Netherlands offers Japanese corporations, such as “availability of competent human resources with the highest English-language speaking skill” and being “the center of the European region.” He also believes that there is a great opportunity for Japanese corporations to become involved in new business fields in the Netherlands, including renewable energy, e-mobility, and hydrogen.

The Netherlands’ longstanding trade relationship with Japan dates back four centuries. It is the fourth-largest destination for Japanese investment in Europe and there are approximately 700 Japanese companies operating there.

Masahiko Kataoka, chief representative of the Bank of Japan Representative Office in Frankfurt, believes that the Netherlands will continue to be a critical location for Japanese corporates. He noted that cooperation between nations is becoming increasingly important in addressing global issues, and that the Netherlands and Japan share a proactive approach to climate change.

A nod to all things Japanese in the Netherlands

Through the years, Japanese nationals in the Netherlands have established a thriving Nikkei community. Read more here.

Architect Moriko Kira, talks about the dynamism and vitality in Dutch neighborhoods. Read the full interview here.

Japan Museum SieboldHuis exhibits a vast array of objects painstakingly collected by Philipp Franz von Siebold during his stay in Japan (1823 to 1829). General Manager Kris Schiermeier gives us a peek.

Tokyoesque tells us about the common ground in Japanese-Dutch consumer trends. Read about it here.

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