Developing tomorrow’s leaders

Prof Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, Chinese University of Hong Kong

With Confucius’ words ‘through learning and temperance to virtue’ as its motto, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to providing students with the intellectual and moral aspects of education.

In 1949, a group of scholars from mainland China came to Hong Kong and founded New Asia College. The Fulton Commission of 1962 encouraged the creation of a federal-type Chinese University in Hong Kong and the amalgamation of New Asia College, Chung Chi College and United College lead to the establishment of CUHK the following year.

“As a bilingual, research intensive university, our eight faculties focus on humanities, science and technology and today, we have over 16,000 undergraduate students and around 12,000 postgraduates”, says CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Joseph J. Y. Sung (currently chairing the Worldwide University Network).

CUHK’s international partnerships are vital to its success. In addition to its strong ties to the National University of Singapore, last year saw CUHK form a tri-continental partnership with University of Toronto and Utrecht University to collaborate on innovative solutions to urban issues.

CUHK’s medical school is close to Professor Sung’s heart. A renowned researcher in gastroenterology and hepatology, Professor Sung led his medical team to fight against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003.

“As the era of precision medicine continues to break new ground, CUHK’s Medical School has become a highly regarded faculty”, says Professor Sung. “Established only thirty five years ago, the school is today ranked one of the world’s top fifty medical schools”.

Professor Sung is also proud of CUHK’s role as a bridge to the mainland. “We were the first Hong Kong university to accept mainland students and have close ties to the ‘C9 League’, an alliance of nine elite universities in mainland China. While we enhance our global reputation, we will maintain our China focus by bringing China to the world and opening new horizons”.

Looking forward, CUHK’s ‘Strategic Plan 2016-2020’ is based on three themes: Education – Nurturing lifelong learners as global leaders, Research – Cutting-edge discovery with global impact and societal contributions and Engagement – Recognition of distinctive culture and tradition.

“As an educator, I enjoy spending time with our students and we encourage them to share their experiences and knowledge”, concludes Professor Sung. “CUHK students inspire us to continue nurturing and developing tomorrow’s leaders”.

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